

Platformer puzzle game with an interesting gimmick. You can't jump, so you need to bounce off your enemies or use tubes to your advantage. Both platformer skills AND logic are required to complete 40 challenging levels! Deft fingers and quick reactions are required. Sweaty neck guaranteed. "I am a little caterpillar. I live in a world where obstacles and enemies are waiting for me on the way to a blossoming meadow, where I will fly like a butterfly. I do not jump like a grasshopper, I can not swim like a fish and fly like a bird. But I am smart and can use the weaknesses of my enemies. Every water lily or pebble, every loophole will be my faithful helpers. The adventure begins. You can help the caterpillar to quickly turn into a butterfly."

Снимци екрана


  • The caterpillar can't jump on its own - find a way to complete platformer levels!
  • Bounce off the enemies to your advantage!
  • Use tubes to travel around the level.
  • Collect flowers, dodge bees, find the right path.
  • Wide variety of levels: both platformer skills AND logic are required.

Додатне информације


Grin robot


Grin robot

Датум издавања


Приближна величина

97,28 MB

Оцјена узраста

За особе од 3 године и старије


Akcija i avantura

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Инсталирајте на Windows 10 рачунару и уједно приступите када се повежете на Microsoft рачун

Подржани језик

English (United States)

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Пријавите се да бисте пријавили ову игру корпорацији Microsoft
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