

In search for a soul mate. Or a soul to get revenge with? Speak of the devil! Having published the latest books of your old friend Michael Ring, you suddenly receive a cryptic message from him. It is known that at his mother's death wish, Michael has admitted himself to the Misty Hill Treatment Center. He was going through a rough patch in his life and needed a break. Now he seeks your help... What could have possibly happened to the great writer at that place? Could it be that the chilling rumors about ghosts in that grotesque hospital are true after all, and they wish to hurt Michael? Gather all your logic and intelligence and get to the bottom of this horror investigation! Your own choices! You have the opportunity to choose the character's phrases for a particular action and influence the plot of the gothic thriller. Enjoy the replay value and don’t forget that only your choice defines the course of this psychological horror and could affect the characters' lives! Secret room! Sometimes they don’t go away, staying trapped between the two worlds. Can you become friends with the supernatural? It’s a tricky question. Unique brain teasers, intricate puzzles and relaxing inventory management mini-games are waiting for you! Find the secret room and play a stimulating board game with Laura! Secrets and mysteries! Explore the noir locations filled with clues and hidden objects that will help you solve the crime! The First-person quest where you need to get to the heart of the truth and solve not only casual puzzles, but riveting point & click mini-games! Bonus chapter! You arrive at Misty Hill Treatment Center to visit a good friend, but instead of a welcome, you end up in the epicenter of horrible nightmares…Finish the main singleplayer investigation to unlock the bonus quest and conduct research about the mysteries surrounding an abandoned theater in Pennsylvania!

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Do Games Limited

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© 2023 Do Games Limited, Ltd


Do Games Limited

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Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.


Програмер производа сматра да он испуњава захтјеве за приступачност како би сви могли лакше да га користе.

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English (United States)

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