

Now Play Combat Soldier game, Be Ready to get exited experience, marshal action and most thrilling battle war first persona shooting (FPS) free to download and play game. Play this extra ordinary ground battle game. Play solider battle, WORLD WAR Combat. Combat Slider Features : - Highly customizable game controls. - Realistic Visually stunning 3D graphics - Immersive 3D FPS strategic game - Smooth & intuitive controls to move forward - Challenging gameplay. - Highly powerful & modern weapons system - High-Quality Graphics & realistic sound effects. - Marvelous & thrilling sound effects - Gather supplies, guns, bullet, bumb, health pack for survival. - Strike against unknown enemy. - Unified game process. - Shoot enemy your own strategic center of operations in battleground - Consider and bit yourself to be the last standing player with the game. - Earn Epic reward of bulletproof jacket, iconic powerups, helmet, goggles, upgraded riffles etc. - Become a best commando in war the world has ever seen. - Play as ONE MAN ARMY - No Multiplayer

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