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An unusual find changes the life of a young girl forever. From that moment on, Alice is part of the eternal battle between Darkness and Flame. Darkness and Flame. Born of Fire - adventure quest game with hidden objects, mini-games, and puzzles, set in a unique fantasy world, the Fertile Lands, filled with oases and infinite deserts. A young girl named Alice finds a strange box holding an egg. From that egg a Bird of Fire hatches, and somehow enters right into the girl, leaving a burn mark on her arm. From that moment on, Alice is part of the eternal battle between Darkness and Flame. Soldiers are after her, but Alice's father manages to save her - at the price of his life. Forced to flee her home, Alice sets off to find her only relative - her uncle - someone she has never met. Together they'll have to undergo many trials in all corners of the Fertile Lands, meet exotic tribes and races, avoid imminent danger, solve dozens of puzzles, and finally face the great evil threatening the whole fantasy world. Will Alice manage to harness the power of the Flame granted to her by destiny, and save her lands before they are turned into a lifeless desert? • Immerse yourself in an amazing adventure in a fantasy world • Meet the peoples of the Fertile Lands • Solve dozens of puzzles • Harness the power of the Flame • Save the world from a danger threatening to annihilate every living thing Explore over 50 stunning locations Complete over 40 different mini-games Challenge yourself with interactive hidden object scenes Assemble collections, gather morphing objects, and gain achievements

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Ауторско право

FIVE-BN STUDIO Copyright © 2019



Датум издавања


Приближна величина

900,7 MB

Оцјена узраста

За особе од 16 година и старије


Akcija i avantura

Ова апликација има дозволу да ради сљедеће

Приступ интернетској вези


Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.

Подржани језик

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Nederlands (Nederland)
Português (Brasil)
Русский (Россия)
Українська (Україна)

Пријавите овај производ

Пријавите се да бисте пријавили ову игру корпорацији Microsoft
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