

Frontline Commando Frontline commando is a 3D TPS (Third Person Shooter) mission game that grants an opportunity to take command and fight for domination of your military which is invaded by the terrorists. The game provides player with AK 47 Rifle, more modern weapons and a horde of terrorists targeting you. You are a frontline warrior ready for the adventure which can be fatal and last mission of your life but you have to save the city. It will test your target aiming skills and your courage to beat the terrorists. Terrorists attacked the coast and after invasion they threaten the military to fulfill their demands. You were chosen by the Military high command to carry out this mission. Frontline commando Adventure offers the player in TPS mode a shooting military game, which put you to adventurous mission of shooting terrorists, you ranger have unlimited ammo and limited health. Terrorists took positions on coast and towers and aiming at you. They want to enter the city and create Anarchy; they want Anarchy in the state which you have to stop them. This is your sacrifice for the nation, you are fighting on frontline. This is the spirit of a real frontline military Commando. Frontline commando offers you: - Realistic FPS (First Person Shooting) controller - Bonus Health on shooting 10 opponents - Engaging sound effects - Addictive sound track - Legendary AK 47 Rifle with zoom - User friendly GUI and controls - AI Enemy Shooters - Efficient weapon controls & movement How to play: - Touch & drag anywhere on the left side of the screen aim/move/rotate your shooting weapon - Tap the fire button on the right side of the screen to shoot the terrorists.

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SparkTrigger Studios


SparkTrigger Studios

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45,68 MB

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За особе од 16 година и старије


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Подржани језик

English (United States)

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