

In [Gunship Operation] you are on a combat mission as Fighting Helicopter Pilot to clear the area which has been occupied by some ill-minded peoples. You are supposed to successfully get clear occupied area from enemies by exercising your excellent Heli Flying & shooting skills to ensure world a safer and better place for mankind. It’s time to play your decisive role, your land needs your selfless services. Come on, Play your real role, roar the region with the hover of your hawkish helies. [Gunship Operation] provides you an opportunity to select your favorite aircraft to complete your mission successfully. [Gunship Operation] is a helicopter based action game, provides fabulous 3D graphics with real-time flying controlling simulation. If you like Action, Racing and Shooting Games then you are absolutely at right place, simply download and dive to play [Gunship Operation].

Снимци екрана

Људима се такође свиђа


  • Multiple missions.
  • Opportunity to choose your favorite Helicopter with distinctive features.
  • Select variety of Arms for your chopper.
  • Aircraft flying experience in real 3D environment.
  • Successful completion of a mission will lead you to the next mission i.e. more challenging and dangerous.

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38,52 MB

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Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.

Подржани језик

English (United States)

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