БесплатноСадржи куповине из апликације
+ Садржи куповине из апликације


Hangman for Windows 8 is an addicting FREE version of the classic hangman that allows you to test your vocabulary skills and have fun at the same time. This version is packed with many interesting themes and enough words and definitions that will ought to keep you busy and learning new words for a while. You can also view the definition of the word after the round ends so you can learn about the word along the way. If you love challenging your brain or teaching your kids new words, then this game is made for you!

Снимци екрана


  • Two play modes: "One Player" Mode – to have you choose the word from your word list selection and a "Two Players" Mode – that allows you to play with a friend or as a teaching mode for your kids.
  • Multiple themes with cool sounds and beautiful graphics.
  • Word lists such as Standard, Hard, For Kids Celebrities, Cool and Funny words and many more you can choose from!
  • Live tiles display new and intersting words to help you learn new words and enrich your vocabulary.
  • It comes with the option to hide the rope to make it more child-friendly.

Додатне информације


TouchFirst LLC

Ауторско право

Copyright © 2013, TouchFirst LLC


TouchFirst LLC

Датум издавања


Приближна величина

4,74 MB

Оцјена узраста

За особе од 12 година и старије


Porodica i deca

Ова апликација има дозволу да ради сљедеће

Приступ интернетској вези


Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.

Подржани језик

English (United States)

Информације о издавачу

Hangman веб сајт
Подршка за Hangman

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