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Long ago, there were 5 purgatory stones that brought order to the world. However, the power of the stones was spread too thin and weak minded individuals rose to dominate the world. And then...when the doors to Hell opened... ...the world began to decay. This is a legend about a world called 'Hell.' 100 years later... An innocent soul made a pact with Death. The awakened one set forth in search for the Purgatory Stones. Defeat powerful bosses to collect all 5 Purgatory Stones in hell. Slashing, magic casting, arrow shooting, bombs throwing, exploring, eating, cooking, blacksmithing. ◆Explore the World of Inferno! Explore the unknown world of Inferno in search for 5 Purgatory Stones.Travel through ruins, jungles and more as the story unfolds. ◆Inferno・Survival・Action! Beware of traps and keep a look out for treasures and secret paths.Manage food and items to ensure survival in the World of Inferno. Defeat powerful enemies along the way; conquer them all using your strength and wisdom. ◆Various Items in the Treasure Box Search for Treasures across the land.The same treasure chest could be plundered from multiple times! Items in a treasure chest is may not be the same. The same item could have different stats, so keep searching for the better equipment! ◆Choose Your Protagonist from 8 Playable Characters! Each playable character has their own strengths and abilities.Use them to your advantage! Royal Knight : Ignores equipment requirements. Forest Hunter : Heal when poisoned. Popular Merchant : Enemies drop more items. Innocent Prisoner : High strength, and don't get hungry often.

Снимци екрана


  • Action RPG

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1,09 GB

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За особе од 3 године и старије


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Инсталирајте на Windows 10 рачунару и уједно приступите када се повежете на Microsoft рачун

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English (United States)

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