Ова игра има бесплатну пробну верзију



Mariaglorum, the makers of the Mystery of the Ancient series, invite you to take on another case as the top detective for the League of Light! When a fellow agent goes missing near the mountain town of Stoneville, you are sent by the League of Light to find her. But you quickly realize this is no ordinary town... Strange rock formations appear out of nowhere, and objects in your hands turn to stone before your very eyes! The village has been cut off from the world for years with no explanation. Why did the townspeople isolate themselves? What terrible secret were they hiding? You'll need to find out if you want to rescue your fellow agent and escape Stoneville alive in this exciting Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!

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Big Fish Games

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© 2018, Big Fish Games, Inc. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or logos are the property of their respective owners.



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602,92 MB

Оцјена узраста

За особе од 12 година и старије


Akcija i avantura

Ова апликација има дозволу да ради сљедеће

Приступ фајловима, периферним уређајима, апликацијама, програмима и регистру


Инсталирајте на Windows 10 рачунару и уједно приступите када се повежете на Microsoft рачун

Подржани језик

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Français (France)

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Пријавите се да бисте пријавили ову игру корпорацији Microsoft
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