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Classic Zuma style game with more awesome new features. Are you a super fan of Zuma games? If the answer is yes, this is the game that you must have. It has a lot of new items to make the game much more interesting and challenging. How to play: 1. Touch the area of the screen where you want to shoot. 2. Group 3 or more identical marbles together to clear them. 3. Swap the shooting marble by touching the marble emitter. 4. Achieve Chains by clearing marbles continuously using shooting. 5. Achieve Combos by clearing marbles continuously using attracting. 6. Achieve Gaps by clearing distant marbles using shooting. 7. Get a higher score by achieving Combos, Chains and Gaps as many as possible.
Додатне информације
Superpow StudioАуторско право
2016 Superpow StudioНаправио
Superpow StudioДатум издавања
1.9.2016.Приближна величина
218,15 MBОцјена узраста
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Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.Подржани језик
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