

Pinball is a popular arcade game, in which points are scored by a player manipulating steel balls on a play field inside a glass-covered cabinet called a pinball machine (or pinball table). The primary objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. Points are earned when the ball strikes different targets on the play field. Launch the ball and then use the pedals very effectively to keep the ball in play for as long as possible. A drain is situated at the bottom of the play field, partially protected by player-controlled plastic bats called flippers. A game ends after all the balls fall into the drain a certain number of times. TAP to send the ball flying. Your goal is to reach the top. Pinball Rush! is new take on classic pinball arcade.

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Gates Kings Group Holdings

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19,28 MB

Оцјена узраста

За особе од 3 године и старије


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Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.

Подржани језик

English (United States)

Додатни услови

Услови трансакције

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Пријавите се да бисте пријавили ову игру корпорацији Microsoft
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