

Enjoy the convenience of being able to play a round of golf, any time you want, right on your Windows 10 PC or Surface. Touch the club head to select and drag it up out of your golf bag. Pivot left or right to adjust your stance and aim. Use your finger as the golf club, touching the club head and dragging it to the right to wind up, and back to the left to hit the ball. You control the distance by adjusting how far and strongly you swing. The View Button zooms out to let you see a bird’s eye view of the current hole. The Path Button lets you see the predicted path of the ball using the selected club. Your bag includes 3 woods, 7 irons, a wedge, and a putter. Automatically keeps score. Optionally shares your accomplishments via email, instant messaging, or social media. Multiple gameplay modes: - 1 Player, Front 9 (holes 1-9) - 1 Player, Back 9 (holes 10-18) - 1 Player, Full Course (holes 1-18) - Free Play, practice whatever hole you wish Challenging for all ages. Plays on Windows 10/11 PC. Use mouse, keyboard, and touchpad controls.

Снимци екрана

Шта је ново у овој верзији

Adapt to latest operating systems and devices.


  • multiple gameplay modes
  • multiple views to line up shot
  • realistic touch or mouse controls
  • automatically keeps score
  • optionally shares achievements

Додатне информације


Magnin and Associates

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Copyright 2018-2023 Magnin & Associates


Magnin & Associates

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Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.

Потребно је да се овај производ инсталира на вашем интерном тврдом диску.

Подржани језик

English (United States)

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