+ Садржи куповине из апликације
За ову апликацију је потребна најновија верзија прегледача Microsoft Edge.


Start a new creative hobby! Play with home decor styles, express your creativity and improve your design skills. Have fun while gaining inspiration from a vibrant creative community and apply your new ideas in your real life. If You like home decor, you will love Redecor! Features: * Daily Design Challenges let you style photo-realistic spaces with various design styles * Express yourself with an incredible variety of high-end choices * Relax and learn about different interior design styles. * Vote on the designs and be part of inspiring community Make your selection from over a thousand of high-quality choices. Customize decorations and express your style, from the most classical to the trendiest! Redecor offers unique 3D design possibilities that let you show your style in full. Redecor is intended for those 18 and older. Redecor does not require payment to download and play, but it also allows you to purchase virtual items with real money inside the game, including random items. You can disable in-app purchases in your device’s settings. Redecor may also contain advertising. You may require an internet connection to play Redecor and access its social features. You can also find more information about the functionality, compatibility and interoperability of Redecor in the above description and additional app store information. By downloading this game, you agree to future game updates as released on your app store or social network. You may choose to update this game, but if you do not update, your game experience and functionalities may be reduced. Terms of Service: https://redecor.com/terms Privacy Notice: https://redecor.com/privacy

Снимци екрана

Шта је ново у овој верзији

Refresh with Redecor! Play our newly decorated, reinvented home design game.


  • * Daily Design Challenges let you style photo-realistic spaces with various design styles * Express yourself with an incredible variety of high-end choices * Relax and learn about different interior d

Додатне информације


Playtika Holdings Corp

Датум издавања


Приближна величина

6,52 MB

Оцјена узраста

За особе од 3 године и старије



Ова апликација има дозволу да ради сљедеће

Приступ фајловима, периферним уређајима, апликацијама, програмима и регистру
Приступ интернетској вези


Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.


Програмер производа сматра да он испуњава захтјеве за приступачност како би сви могли лакше да га користе.

Подржани језик

English (United States)

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