

The horror and thrill of Sherlock Holmes: The Norwood Mystery comes alive in this gorgeously illustrated hidden object puzzle game. Based on the beloved classic, the game takes you through the story with high-quality AUDIO NARRATION! Sherlock Holmes once again faces another mystery about a strange crime that takes place in Norwood...but who is the criminal behind it? That is the question Holmes seeks to answer. Based on the Oxford University Press edition of Sherlock Holmes: The Norwood Mystery, this game features stunning art and stimulating puzzles designed by award winning game producer SecretBuilders. Each brain-teasing level unfolds a scene from the book with beautiful illustrations and audio excerpts.

Снимци екрана


  • Audio narration and book scene illustrations in each level!
  • A fun and enjoyable way for kids to fall in love with reading literature
  • Great for developing visual and spatial problem solving skills for kids and adults
  • Many gorgeous levels with scenes from the book packed full of items
  • Two modes of play, find by picture or by word
  • Award-winning audio and illustrations from Oxford University Press' Dominoes Series for young readers

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Ауторско право

©2013 SecretBuilders, Renaissance 2.0 Media Inc.



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English (United States)

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