

Yamb is a dice game containing elements of strategy. For playing Yamb you usually need 5 or 6 dice, a pencil, and a piece of paper. The higher score you have, the better. However, certain rules apply when it comes to writing, so you have to plan in advance, and have appropriate strategy. Players throw dice in turns, three times a turn. When the throwing is done, the player doing it has to write down to his score list the score of that turn. Based on the game option, 5 or 6 dice can be in play. Score List is where a single player score is written. Each score list consists of 4 or 6 columns, based on the game type and a fixed number of rows. Each of the rows has its own meaning and combinations of dice that would suit better for the particular chosen cell is written. For example, for row 2, one should throw as many 2s as possible. Check all rows description in tutorial pages. Each column has a different meaning or order of writing. For the first column, cells should be filled in top-down order, second one is free for any writing order, and third one is in bottom-up order, and so on. Score is recalculated after each throw, and different statistics are available: current score and optimistic score (if everything ideal till the end of the game) for all row sectors. Top personal scores are stored, either locally, or server side. Overall and monthly based rankings are available.

Снимци екрана

Шта је ново у овој верзији

Version - Bugfixing Version 1.1: - Multiplayer mode (2 players) support - Layout changes for better usability - Fixed a bug when trying to save score server side after a certain amount of already existing local scores


  • Fast paced strategic dice game
  • High scores can be tracked locally or server side
  • Compete to be the best overall or on monthly basis
  • Three different game types

Додатне информације



Ауторско право

Copyright @ 2014-2015, homerti



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311,87 KB

Оцјена узраста

За особе од 3 године и старије


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Ова апликација има дозволу да ради сљедеће

Приступ интернетској вези


Преузмите ову апликацију док сте пријављени на Microsoft рачун и инсталирајте је на чак десет Windows 10 уређаја.

Подржани језик

English (United States)

Информације о издавачу

Yamb веб сајт
Подршка за Yamb

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