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Classic word guessing game Enjoy a game of Hangman packed with wonder and challenge. This game requires lots of wit and a good intuition. Hangman Word Game comes with 4 difficulty levels. Hangman is a word guessing game. You have to guess the word making as few mistakes as possible. The less mistakes, the bigger the score you will get. Start playing now and improve your vocabulary and general knowledge! TIPS - The most common letters are e, t, a, o, i and n. Use them first to increase the odds of guessing the words. - Another approach is to guess the vowels first. Almost every word has at least one. - Scoring: If you guess a word without making any mistakes you get 100 points. But with each mistake your score will go down by 10 points. If you have any technical problems please email us directly at support@gsoftteam.com. Please, don’t leave support problems in our comments – we don’t check those regularly and it will take longer to fix any issues that you might encounter. Thank you for your understanding!

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Другима се такође допада


  • 4 Difficulty Levels: Easy, Medium, Hard & Expert
  • Light Mode and Dark Mode
  • Works in both Portrait and Landscape Orientation
  • Game available in multiple languages
  • Meaningful hints

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G Soft Team

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© 2022-2023 G Soft Team. All rights reserved.

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English (United States)

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