
Old good Solitaire implementation for retro lovers! Classic Klondike Solitaire game looks and feels just as Windows Solitaire that we played for a long time. Same scoring system, graphics, cards decks. Perfect solitaire for all those who loved old Klondike on PC! WARNING!!! This software and its developers are not affiliated to Microsoft in any way. Game may contains in-app advertising. Read Privacy Policy before installing.


Инчунин ба одамон маъқул аст

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Oleksii Harbuzenko


Oleksii Harbuzenko, 2012-2024

Developed by

Oleksii Harbuzenko

Санаи барориш


Approximate size

66,85 МБ

Рейтинги синну сол

Барои синну соли 3 ва боло


Корт ва тахта

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Ба пайвасти интернетии худ дастрасӣ пайдо кунед


Тавассути воридшавӣ ба ҳисоби Microsoft-и худ ин барномаро гиред ва дар то даҳ дастгоҳи Windows 10-и худ насб кунед.

Забони дастгиришаванда

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Шартҳои иловагӣ

Сиёсати махфияти Classic Solitaire (Free)
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Шартҳои иҷозатномаи Classic Solitaire (Free)
Card images are based on work by Oxymoron (http://www.waste.org/~oxymoron/cards/) and inspired by original cards by Susan Kare. Inspired by Solitare card game by Microsoft, 1989.

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