
A mysterious meteorite has crashed in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Archaeologists rush there to examine the space rock, but an entire team goes missing. You and your niece, Emma, are members of a search party. You arrive at the deserted camp to look for some clues, and suddenly, the meteorite teleports you to another universe! Now you must explore the fascinating Worlds of Light and Shadow, look for hidden artifacts, and solve puzzles to find the archaeologists. And you'll surely get help on your adventure, but remember the most important thing – not all friendly strangers can actually be your friends! Save the Worlds of Light and Shadow from complete annihilation in the Bonus Chapter! Enjoy exclusive wallpapers, music, videos, and more! Never get lost in the parallel universe with the detailed Strategy Guide! Collect every artifact and earn all the achievements!


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Do Games Limited


© 2022 Do Games Limited, Ltd

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Do Games Limited

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English (United States)

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