Şurada mevcut
Labyrinthine is a path finding game with four maze sizes of increasing difficulty. You may choose to play a randomized maze with 3, 4, 5 or 6 rows. The goal is to navigate the storekeeper back to the warehouse in as few moves as possible. To move around the maze dwell or click on a room in the same hall or pathway of the maze. The game is complete when the storekeeper reaches warehouse. You can also choose a maze with any number of rows.
Creators Collection
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Andrey SolopkoÇıkış tarihi
22.02.2020Yaklaşık boyutu
27,79 MBYaş derecelendirmesi
3 yaş ve üzeri içinKategori
Bulmaca ve bilgiBu uygulamayla yapılabilecekler
Microsoft hesabınıza oturum açtığınızda bu uygulamayı edinin ve en fazla on Windows 10 cihazına yükleyin.Dil destekleniyor
English (United States)Ek koşullar
Labyrinthine gizlilik ilkesiİşlem koşulları
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