LOS ALIENS şu anda kullanılamıyor.


Los Aliens is an innovative and addictive multi-level puzzle game of deep space exploration! In Los Aliens, your mission is to explore strange new worlds, and to seek out new life and new civilizations. To do this, you'll have to use your puzzle smarts to recruit a group of brave alien crewmates the likes of which the people of Sol Three could never imagine! You also need to keep your spaceship filled with the Quark-generated Bosons it needs for fuel – or you'll be lost in space forever! Discover new planets and solve puzzles with your Los Aliens crew – and go where no Alien has gone before! Features: - 170 handcrafted levels - 18 different Pads and Creatures that completely change the gameplay - Two types of game mode challenges: move-limited and time-limited - 6 different aliens with super-powers to overcome the difficulties - Easy to play but challenging to master, resolving a series of brain-twisting puzzles. - Eye-catching animated space graphics Check out http://gametroopers.net for more games about to be released!

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Copyright © 2016, Game Troopers, SL.



Çıkış tarihi


Yaklaşık boyutu

67,44 MB

Yaş derecelendirmesi

3 yaş ve üzeri için


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Microsoft hesabınıza oturum açtığınızda bu uygulamayı edinin ve en fazla on Windows 10 cihazına yükleyin.

Dil destekleniyor

English (United States)

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