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Jigsaw Puzzle Frenzy is a fun and challenging game that lets you explore the world through beautiful puzzles. You can enjoy stunning images of landmarks, architecture, landscapes, plants and animals, and test your skills in different difficulty modes. Whether you want to relax or keep your mind sharp, Jigsaw Puzzle Frenzy has something for everyone! Here are some of the features of the game: • Free Puzzles: Play 75 puzzles for free, organized in 3 packs: Starter, Beginner and Intermediate. • Puzzle of the Day: Solve a new puzzle every day and compete with other players for rewards. You can use the rewards to unlock paid puzzle packs. • Paid Puzzle Packs: Expand your puzzle collection with over 50 puzzle packs for sale. Each pack contains 25 puzzles that you can customize and play anytime you want. • Premium Subscription: Get unlimited access to all the puzzles in our library with a Premium subscription. You can also remove all the video ads and enjoy a smooth gaming experience. • Purchase Rules: Don’t worry about losing your purchases. You can play all the puzzles you paid for on any device, as long as you login with the same Microsoft Account. Thank you for playing Jigsaw Puzzle Frenzy! We hope you have fun solving the puzzles!

Знімки екрана

Нові можливості в цій версії

• 10th of December, 2023 New puzzle pack: Winter Magic


  • Daily jigsaw puzzle
  • Pick the number of pieces
  • Pieces tray
  • High resolution images
  • Peek at the final image
  • Change game board background color
  • Premium subscription trial
  • Filter edge pieces
  • Soothing background music
  • Set completed puzzle as desktop wallpaper
  • Puzzle location information
  • Guided tutorial
  • Move multiple pieces at once
  • Daily competition

Додаткові відомості


Frenzy Games

Авторське право

Copyright © 2013 - 2024, Frenzy Games


Frenzy Games

Дата випуску


Приблизний розмір

58,5 МБ

Вікова категорія

Від 3 років і старше

Ця програма може

Доступ до інтернет-підключення


Завантажте цю програму, не виходячи з облікового запису Microsoft, та інсталюйте її щонайбільше на десяти пристроях Windows 10.

Підтримувані мови

English (United States)

Додаткові умови

Політика конфіденційності Jigsaw Puzzle Frenzy
Умови транзакції
Умови ліцензії Jigsaw Puzzle Frenzy
The game shares your player name in the Online Leaderboard. Choose appropriate names which are not offensive. Failing to do so could lead to your game account being suspended.

Повідомити про цей продукт

Увійти для повідомлення корпорації Майкрософт про порушення в цій грі
Поскаржитися на цей продукт у зв’язку з неприпустимим вмістом

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