127,50 ₴
127,50 ₴


"Smart Moves" is a puzzle with a strong roguelike feel. Different worlds with levels of increasing difficulty, sneaky monsters, unexpected obstacles and great treasures await you. Smart moves are the key to survival! "Smart moves" is a combination of puzzle and turn-based roguelike mechanics. Destroy monsters, open chests! The hero can attack monsters when both are standing on neighboring squares. Avoid being the first at a distance of impact! The hero can't skip turns, but can use level objects - or other monsters - to “skip” the turn. Every game level is a puzzle with its own logical solution. You have to discover and learn how objects interact with each other in the game world. You get a new playing experience where game mechanics are of maximum importance. Original art style included.

Знімки екрана

Додаткові відомості


Grin robot


Grin robot

Дата випуску


Приблизний розмір

40,4 МБ

Вікова категорія

Від 7 років і старше

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Інсталюйте на комп’ютері з Windows 10 і отримайте доступ при підключенні до облікового запису Microsoft

Підтримувані мови

English (United States)

Інформація від видавця

Підтримка Smart Moves (for Windows 10)

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