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Single Player & Online Multiplayer(play as an Animal) Multiplayer Choose to play as a Safari animal against up to 20 players. Single player An African Safari adventure, alive with action. 4x4 Off-Road Vehicle, Motorbike, Horse or explore by foot, discover and hunt 26+ wild animals: Rhino, Elephant, Lion, Zebra, Giraffe, Lioness, Reedbuck, Buffalo, Wildebeest, Flamingo, Lemur, Bee's, Crocodile, Piranha, WartHog, Monkey, Ostrich, Meerkat, Snake, Scarabs, Hyena, Hippopotamus, Leopard, Impala, Eagle and Gorilla. Collect and build up your weapons: Handgun/Rifle/Pistol Crossbow(Explosive Arrows)/Compound Bow/Proximity Mines/Gas Canisters. Hunt during Night/Day/Rain, build a camp fire and experience thrilling hunting action in the scary dark, Night Vision Goggles are very useful. Find Treasure’s and supplies, use your map/radar to locate your prey or use your tracker device. 4x4 Safari: Online Evolution has High quality graphics and gameplay.

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Multiplayer Online 20 Players - Play as a Safari Animal You all requested 'Play as a Safari Animal' Enjoy!! Added Radar & Map positions for Everyone Interactive 3D animal & item selection


  • * Multiplayer Online 20 Players - Play as a Safari Animal.
  • * Hunt during Night/Day/Rain, build a camp fire and experience thrilling hunting action in the scary dark.
  • * Rhino, Elephant, Lion, Zebra, Giraffe, Lioness, Reedbuck, Buffalo, Wildebeest, Flamingo, Lemur, Bee's, Crocodile, Piranha, WartHog, Monkey, Ostrich, Meerkat, Snake and Scarabs.
  • * 4x4 Jeep, Motorbike, Horse, Boat or explore by foot.
  • * Collect and build up your weapons: Handgun/Rifle/Pistol Crossbow(Explosive Arrows)/Compound Bow/Proximity Mines/Gas Canisters.
  • * High quality graphics and gameplay.

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Jurassic Apps

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2021 Jurassic Apps. All rights reserved.

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Jurassic Apps

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English (United States)

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