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Relieve boredom, have fun and exercise your mind all at the same time with the 21st Anniversary Edition of this classic card solitaire game. If you want a change from regular Klondike, FreeCell, Spider or Pyramid solitaire games why not try Aces + Spaces card solitaire. Aces + Spaces is a highly addictive card solitaire game played with a standard pack of 52 playing cards providing endless hours of fun and entertainment. This classic card game is easy to play yet tricky to master so if you are up for a challenge give it a go. In this traditional solitaire the full pack of cards is dealt to the card table, into four rows of cards. Each row has a single space. Your task is to rearrange the cards so they form a correctly ascending sequence of cards, one suit in each row. The catch, you can only move cards into the empty spaces if the card to the left of the empty space is of the same suit and of lower face value. PLEASE NOTE: This game is ad-funded, we generate income to pay for the support and development of the game from advertising.

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Welcome to the 21st Anniversary Edition of Aces & Spaces as we continue to bring you the best in classic board, card and puzzles. * Smoother more refined UI and game play. * Updated dependent SDKs * A number of bug fixes.


  • Choice of multiple card sets
  • Choice of backgrounds and tables
  • Endless hours of entertainment

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ZingMagic Limited

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ZingMagic Limited

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ZingMagic Limited

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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