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Galactic Emperor is a sci-fi space strategy game designed for everyone who want to become a galaxy emperor! Supreme leader, today we celebrate your self-proclamation as emperor of the galaxy! Unfortunately, this news has raised rebellions everywhere in the galactic space. It will not be easy to implement your evil plan and take control of the galaxy, you will need to take tactical choices and use an effective strategy if you want to win the war against the rebels. Galactic Emperor: Space Empire is a turn based strategy game with a combination of role-playing elements: wars, sci-fi simulation, galaxy exploration and space adventure. Features of the space strategy game: - Take command in this turn based rpg, my Emperor, and wage war on all the enemies that will try to stop your space conquest. - Lead galactic battles from your flagship, plan your army's moves with strategy and win the war - Suppress rebel revolts in order to maintain control of the empire, and put yourself to the test through sci-fi ages and historical events dynamically connected to each other. - Explore solar systems, manage planets, develop technology and create space fleets and massive armies. - Discover new content and new challenges in every game: with over 2,000 rounds of this space strategy game you can enjoy many hours of fun in space - Within this turn based RPG, you have to make the choices to subdue the subjects of your empire - Manage thorny political issues better with the different alien races that you will discover - Explore the universe with your spaceships and conquer every planet and star you will discover - Simple design: everything in the game is easy to understand and control. - Epic Battles: Build your space military base, develop your spacecraft and assemble a mighty space fleet; The age of your stellar empire began, are you ready to play the role of an emperor and conquer the universe with this strategic game set in space? Galactic Emperor: Space Empire is not simply a sci-fi space simulator, but a new experience where strategy and tactical RPG mix perfectly.

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Galactic Emperor has been completely redesigned and joins the Age of Dynasties series with the new title "Age of Dynasties: Galactic War". In the game it is now possible to manage your own dynasty, armies and cities, diplomacy and war with other factions, talents and scientific discoveries.


  • Play as an evil emperor of the galaxy in this space strategy game!

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Andrea Testa

Mualliflik huquqi

Ishlab chiqardi:

RoboBot Studio

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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