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Aim Assist is the leading On Screen Sight & Crosshair for enhancing visual aiming assistance in FPS (First Person Shooter) and TPS (Third Person Shooter) Battle Royale games for PC. If you are struggling to see or use your existing Battle Royale games sight or crosshair you can use the Aim Assist App from the Microsoft App Store to resolve the problem. Choose from a large selection of resizable, moveable, colour enhanced Aim Assist Sight Crosshair Skin Packs to increase your chances of more kills and Battle Royale wins. Long gone are the days of physically sticking sight crosshair stickers to the centre of your monitors screen. Gaming monitors are becoming ever larger and faster, it is not uncommon to have a 27″ 28″ 32″ 34″ 38″ or even a 49″ gaming monitor. PC Gamers can now run their PC game and streaming apps on one monitor in separate windows, therefore there is a requirement to run the PC game in ‘Windowed’ mode. Aim Assist On Screen Sight & Crosshair is Optimized to work with FPS and TPS PC games running in ‘Windowed’ mode. If you are a PC gamer using a traditional 24″ or 25″ gaming monitor, Aim Assist On Screen Sight & Crosshair is Optimized to work with FPS and TPS PC games running in ‘Windowed Full Screen’ mode. Aim Assist ‘On Screen Sight & Crosshair’ works with FPS PC Games and TPS PC Games running in Windowed Full Screen & Windowed mode.

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1 x FREE Standard Sight Crosshair aiming skin pack containing 9 Sight Gaming Crosshairs for PC gamers to use straight away. 9 x Proshot New High Resolution, High Quality Sight Crosshair skin packs each containing 9 Sight Crosshairs, available for Purchase from within the Aim Assist App - (Click the Dropdown Arrow Icon - Select a new skin from the preview pane, click the Tick Icon which - takes you to the Microsoft Aim Assist Store -) 25 x Premium High Resolution, High Quality Sight Crosshair skin packs each containing 9 Sight Crosshairs, available for Purchase from within the Aim Assist App Change the Sight Crosshair Skin Style on-the-fly in real time, without having to close and re-start the app. Re-size the Sight Crosshair on-the-fly in real time, without having to close and re-start the app. Move the Sight Crosshair in larger increments by dragging the mouse cursor at the top left of the App Window. Move the Sight Crosshair in very small pixel increments using the Up, Down, Left, Right Arrow Keys Move / adjust the Sight Crosshair on your monitor screen in real time, without having to close and re-start the app. Feature to Center the sight on the current monitor Revised 'Aim Assist Help' Guide


  • Resizable Sight Crosshair Aiming Skins to enhance visual aiming assistance
  • Moveable location of Aiming Skins to ensure accurate weapon & sight synchronization
  • 1 x FREE Standard Sight Crosshair aiming skin pack containing 9 Sight Gaming Crosshairs for PC gamers to use straight away.
  • 34 x Premium New High Resolution, High Quality Sight Crosshair skin packs each containing 9 sight crosshairs, available for purchase from within the Aim Assist App
  • Change the Sight Crosshair Skin Style on-the-fly in real time, without having to close and re-start the app.
  • Re-size the Sight Crosshair on-the-fly in real time, without having to close and re-start the app.
  • Move the Sight Crosshair in larger increments by dragging the mouse cursor at the top left of the App Window.
  • Move the Sight Crosshair in very small pixel increments using the Up, Down, Left, Right Arrow Keys
  • Move / adjust the Sight Crosshair on your monitor screen in real time, without having to close and re-start the app.
  • Optimized to work with FPS and TPS PC games running in ‘Windowed’ mode
  • Optimized to work with FPS and TPS PC games running in ‘Windowed Full Screen’ mode
  • New Aiming Sight Crosshair Skin Packs being developed for future purchase from within the Aim Assist App

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