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Are you the next big plane tycoon? Prove yourself in one of the best free airline manager games in the world, and beat your friends and other real life managers to top the leaderboards by controlling the most aerial routes. Create and manage your own airline strategy In this multiplayer aviation simulation game you have the possibility to become bigger than real businesses such as United Airlines, Emirates, British Airways, Lufthansa, American Airlines and Ryanair. You can even travel while being idle on your couch to a big airport in an amazing city such as New York, Paris, Berlin, Los Angeles, London and Dallas - you don’t even have to fly yourself! Choose between 2 game modes: EASY or REALISM. Go the easy way to lower prices and increase profits or challenge yourself with realism where you have to consider the smallest things like the length of airport runways. Take the fastest route possible to transport your cargo or passengers. Not by land or sea. But by air. Not by rental car, train, bus or ship. But by aircraft. Buy your fleet of flights and dominate the routes in the skies! In Airline Manager 4 you get in-depth tactical features like being able to buy more than 360 different real plane types and fly to over 3,600 real airports all over the world. Aircraft features ✈️Track your flights live on the interactive map ✈️Schedule plane repairs and maintenance ✈️Customize your aircraft seat configuration ✈️Buy fuel and CO2 quotas at the right time to optimize profits ✈️Much more Airline features ✈️Manage your staff to keep them happy ✈️Flight companies can invest in each other to grow stock values ✈️Create marketing campaigns to gain popularity ✈️Build or join alliances ✈️Much more Become the CEO of an empire of cargo and travel flight routes and utilize your complicated strategy to be the new boss of aviation. This mobile game is 100% ad free. Note: An online internet-connection is required to play this game. Please see the Trophy Games Privacy Statement to know more about your data protection at:

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  • Manage your own airline
  • Track your flights live on the interactive map
  • Schedule plane repairs and maintenance
  • Customize your aircraft seat configuration
  • Buy fuel and CO2 quotas at the right time to optimize profits
  • Manage your staff to keep them happy
  • Flight companies can invest in each other to grow stock values
  • Create marketing campaigns to gain popularity
  • Build or join alliances

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Trophy Games ApS

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Xombat Development

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