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Become a famous detective and get to the bottom of a curious candy conspiracy in Another Case Solved, from the makers of the award-winning Puzzle Craft. This city is clamping down on candy cravings by outlawing sweet snacks! Solve a series of quirky cases by gathering clues, tracking down witnesses, and questioning suspects to reveal the truth behind this city’s sugar-coated secret. This is a case too sweet to turn down! Awesome Features • Sink your teeth into a huge and hilarious story-driven campaign spanning five chapters of sugary sweet mystery • Match clues, identify suspects, explore crime scenes – Another Case Solved features multiple styles of gameplay to keep detectives on their toes • Take on more than 150 minor cases in your spare time and be on the look out for 10 secret cases hidden throughout the game • Create your own personal detective and customize their look using outfits, props, and more • Transform your humble office into a vibrant workplace with new furniture that increases your detective skills • Join the Detective Club and share your progress and achievements with friends via Facebook

Ekran rasmlari

Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

German Language & New Cases! For the first time, the game is available in German! Also, you'll find three, exciting new bonus cases in this update: - A mysterious story about newspapers that move by themselves, and an obsession with architecture. - A puzzling story about science going very wrong (or very right, depending whom you ask). - A conspiracy theory that’s out of this world! The first case is available after finishing Chapter 3. You’ll have to find the rest by yourself!


  • Awesome Features:
  • Create your own personalized detective and customize their look with outfits, props, and more.
  • Match clues, identify suspects, track down hidden items – Another Case Solved features multiple styles of gameplay to keep detectives on their toes.
  • Tons of story-driven cases to keep you hooked into this sugary sweet mystery.
  • Take on minor cases in your spare time to keep yourself in business

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH

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ATGames (

Ishlab chiqardi:

SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH

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