

Balance ball in 3D sky world roads. There is fully Sifi ambient environment to run your ball to the destiny, face the various challenge in path. Don't fall. Scientific robots are set to shoot the laser on player. Concur on your path and get the finish point. Game has not facilitate intermediate results to saved - if you fall it will bring you to the beginning of the level. If you wants to start from the point you fall. Just purchase insurance before or select the checkpoint option with in game currency. Keep the balance of ball and simultaneously operate it on curvy and narrow path. To unlock next level, Game conditions. -User must get 3 star to unlock next level -In each level user get maximum 100 coin The coin ratio derives in three criteria, Its on Time, Picking the object and player ball stamina/health. Every next level will bring you new harder challenges: narrow slopes and bends, dangerous spot areas, hurdles, red laser area, machine teaser - We ensure you every challenge you will fill excitement urethane feeling bored. SPECIAL GAME DESIGN Game is designed for clever player who really like to face the challenges in game. From start to reach at finish you have to pass through the various spirals, curvy ways and critical areas. Critical area is total new ideas in this game. It's area where player have to keep running and pass through that are as fast as you can. There are the robots that will start to attack on you if you stay at the place any more. Ball Life line : Ball initiated with life/power with that you have to reach at the finish points. Slider on top of ball indicates its life that decrease health of the ball Bot Laser : There are various robots on path will become the hurdles for ball. Robots will shoot the laser in its area. Bot(Laser) that also decrease the ball(It is also remove by the action-key). By peaking key bot laser will deactivated. Lifts : Lift for the speedy reach at destination. To avoid the long and time consuming path. go through the shortcut lift. While using lift, mind you pickup objects. Rotor : Rotor that rotate to reach one place to another to tease the player ball. Don't fall and Keep running slow and with caring the control of ball on Rotor path. Rotor Movement that work to decrease health of the ball. Obstacle Bug : Bug is obstacle that moves like bug bee, with its finance player ball will decrease the health. Checkpoint : On the way of road Player ball have to have face the many obstacle to reach at destination. There is a possibility to fall down from path and lost the game. It may take further time to start new game and reach again at same position on path. To do continue from that position use checkpoint option. By using checkpoint drone will save the life and put the player on checkpoint. Insurance : To use checkpoint you have to pay the certain amount of coin. Insurance is life saving scheme, you can use it while facing more risky way. Ultimately, Insurance is advance cost of checkpoint, that charges less the the actual value of checkpoint.

Ekran rasmlari


  • Game has not facilitate intermediate results to saved - if you fall it will bring you to the beginning of the level. If you wants to start from the point you fall. Just purchase insurance before or se

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Ball Balance yordami

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