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The goal of Beavers Word Puzzle is to find as many words in as short a time as possible, while having only seven characters. To spell a word, tap some of the seven beavers to let them drop their character. Shake the device to shuffle the beavers, get hints on character positions or entire words. Beavers Word Puzzle offers five different game modes and lets you win medals in over twenty disciplines. The full version offers much more character combinations with varying degrees of difficulty and also allows you to win more medals.

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Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

Version Improved text rendering for some display sizes.

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

HDW Production

Mualliflik huquqi

Copyright © 2014, Harald D. Wagner

Ishlab chiqardi:

HDW Production

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)

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