

The cult card game Belote has been thrilling players around the world for more than 100 years! Belote, originally belotte, trick-and-meld card game derived from klaberjass about 1920 and now the most popular card game in France. The objective of the game is to collect as many points as possible with your partner by taking tricks. The team that reaches 500 points first wins the game Belote is a point-trick taking game for 4 players. A 32 card deck is needed ( A K Q J 10 9 8 7). Players form two teams of two partners. Partners sit at opposite seats. Each player will get 8 cards. One card is placed in the middle faced up and its suit is ‘Trump’ suit, if the player takes this card during the bidding. Player to the dealers left goes first. If the player decides not to take the trump card, the next player to their left can choose to take it or pass and so on. Each card rank has a specific scoring value; for Jacks and Nines the value depends on whether the suit is trump or not. The winner of the last trick gets 10 points. It’s also worth noting that you’ll get better at Belote with every card you play. So, be patient and improve your skills step by step - you’ll be showing your opponents how it’s really done in no time. The Belote online mode enables you to play simple but thrilling card game with people around the world. In Play with Friends mode you can set up your own table or join one set up by another player. Belote is a free card game - easy to understand but hard to master! It is a very fast and responsive online card game, with modern animations for a realistic gameplay. The complete experience is underlined by HD graphics, stylish design and numerous cool features. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, Belote is ideal for everyone who loves trick taking card games! Jack, Queen, King or Ace – what will be your winning trump? Enjoy the French card game Belote online. Play a version in which you can have a great time playing, from the first trick through to the very last. Not only is it great fun to play, but thanks to its unique gameplay there’s no shortage of excitement to be had. Belote is a tricky beast to master. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for you. Your first trick is just a few clicks away. So what are you waiting for download Belote today for endless hours of fun. ◆◆◆◆ Belote Card Game Features◆◆◆◆ ✔ Compete against friends and other players and climb the weekly leaderboard. ✔ Online multiplayer where you can play with real people around the world. ✔ Create Private Room and Invite Friends. ✔ Ton of Achievements. ✔ Localised gameplay. ✔ Advanced AI. ✔ Play with your friends and family. ✔ Play with Local Multiplayer. Please don't forget to Rate and Review Belote, we aim to make it one of the best card games out there. Any suggestions? We always love to hear from you for making this game better. Enjoy playing Belote!!

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  • ✔ Compete against friends and other players and climb the weekly leaderboard.
  • ✔ Online multiplayer where you can play with real people around the world.
  • ✔ Create Private Room and Invite Friends.
  • ✔ Advanced AI.
  • ✔ Localised gameplay.
  • ✔ Ton of Achievements.
  • ✔ Play with your friends and family.
  • ✔ Play with Local Multiplayer.

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Card Guru Game Studio

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Card Guru Game Studios

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