

Blocky Zombie Survivale is developed for fans of the FPS Genre. Simple and neat Graphics make the game very clear and easy to enjoy. Pixel Royale brings you blocky crafty American Soldier cool characters. **IT HAS Awesome Blocky Characters that feel and hear alive ** Engage with Ally Soldiers, Neutral (Zombie) NPC´s and other Survivors as Enemy NPC´s in real time battles with cover gunfire and incredible grenades to throw at them. ** We Got Blocky Weapons ** The player can pick up weapons and ammo, Aim with iron sights and sniper scopes! Blocky grenades that the player can hold and aim before releasing. ** Smooth Player movement and Camera look ** A Must try smooth touch control system with the Pro gamers in mind. You can support our games by watching our ads and trying out the apps that will be shown to you while enjoying the most of our game. +++ Support +++ Our dear users can contact us by sending an email at: We would love to hear from you, please feel free to contact us! ** GAME FEATURES: ** -Fight epic Bosses, more to come with more downloads! -Become an American Soldier at a Zombie Battlefield -Immersive levels with Simple Blocky Graphics -Finest First Person Shooter experience on Mobile -Designed for the Android Platform -Ally NPC vs Zombies -Zombies vs Enemies -Allies that Follow and Help the Player -Jump right into the Action -Weapon slots -Touch-pad controls -American Soldiers did we mention... GRENADES!

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First Release

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Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Pixel Royale

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195,22 Mb

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