

City Bus Drive game with an objective drive the bus as jolly driver pick up and drop the passenger. Are you Ready to have the fun not inside Hill mountain Snow Road Area, But with beautiful metro city, experience one of the most realistic metro city. play the new Bus Drive game with getting real adventure of Snow Road in Mountain Area in city bus simulation. Various Bus simulation game, you might have played. City Bus Drive game is totally new concept game. City Bus Drive game is simulation game with action game play. Here you are bus driver, from start to destination you have to run the bus in narrow and wide road with critical time stamp. this is realistic bus drive on city road environment. Its a extreme fun, when bus touches to the bust stop sign and it gets blast. This City Bus simulator will allows you to check your Drive skills how good Players are Drive in High traffic city Area. the thrill of exciting difficult curvy city tracks more challenging with collecting passengers in specific time to complete task. Complete level as a real Driver and unlock next levels with Different Environment and enjoy lots of stages. GAME FEATURES - Different Environment in Each level. - 10 Interesting and Challenging gameplay level. - Checkpoints and Missions. - Exhilarating 3D curvy Hill mountain tracks. - Completely Free and Offline Play. - Sound simulations and extreme precision driving. - Tilting and Steering Wheel controls. - Level wise different road and amazing environments. - Limited time to ride the passenger in bus. - Beautiful visual effects. - Realistic physics base bus controlling.

Ekran rasmlari


  • - Different Environment in Each level. - 10 Interesting and Challenging gameplay level. - Checkpoints and Missions. - Exhilarating 3D curvy Hill mountain tracks. - Completely Free and Offline Play. -

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