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The 2nd World War: Tank clashes, Naval battles, Air combat. In Call of War you rewrite the course of history! Take over the control of one of the mighty nations during the times of World War 2 in this unique long-term strategy game. Conquer provinces, forge alliances and build up your economy in real-time during week-long game rounds in a persisting world. Research top secret weapons of World War 2 and become the one true superpower! Intelligent alliances or ruthless expansion, wunderwaffen or mass assault? It is up to you which way you choose! For fans of realistic grand-strategy titles Call of War offers a huge gameplay environment, many different functions and units to choose from. Jump into matches, battle it out over weeks and become the rank leader in this addictive WW2 game. This all combined with real-time movement speed of units, provides a unique immersive feeling of being in real command. As a player of Call of War you assume leadership over a country and try to achieve world domination. Strategic planning, tactical troop maneuvers and smart diplomacy play a key role in winning a game of Call of War. Call of War is played in game rounds that can span up to multiple weeks of real time. Game rounds either end after a fixed time duration or when a player or coalition accumulated enough Victory Points. This means that at one point a game round will certainly end in victory or defeat for each player. No matter how they end, you can always play and join new game rounds of Call of War on a large variety of historical maps with many different playable countries. No game round will be the same and new challenges always await you!

Ekran rasmlari


  • Up to 100 real opponents per map
  • Units which move in real-time
  • Many different maps and scenarios
  • Many real opponents per map
  • Huge Tech tree with over 120 different units
  • Different terrain types demand your tactical genius
  • Complex Air warfare
  • Atomic bombs and secret weapons to research
  • Regular updates with new content

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Bytro Labs

Ishlab chiqardi:

Bytro Labs

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877,31 Mb

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7 yosh va undan kattalar uchun



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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Bu mahsulot ichki qattiq diskka o‘rnatilgan bo‘lishi lozim.

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English (United States)

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Call of War yordami

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Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
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