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Here you are ...! best game of Carrom with different mode It’s a free Carrom multiplayer game, a best Carrom board game among all. INTRODUCTION: Carrom or Karom is a game that has long been played throughout India and South East Asia but the game has become increasingly popular throughout much of the rest of the world during the last century. Here in this exciting mobile version of Carrom, you can play cram to get fun with the best of all carrom board games. carrom pool has different modes online carrom, offline carrom and with buddies, so you can play carrom games with friends, you can find carom with your choice friend. and can play carm with online players in crumble game. it is a game of karambit and gabit. it includes amazing carrrom board games features suitable for all ages. HOW TO PLAY: The object of the game is to sink all of your pieces, using the heavier 'striker', in any of the pockets before your opponent. There are a huge number of variations in the rules in karim game. Some of them are… 1. Pool disk mode: In this mode of carem board game, one should pot all your pucks before the opponent does. The first player to pot all their pucks Wins. 2. Carrom mode : In this mode of carames board game Red Queen needs to be potted before all your pucks before the opponent does. 3. Point game: In this Mode of Carrom 3d game, Coins have different points to be pocked. One who got more points after all pucks got potted wins. Features of Carrom Star : Multiplayer Carom Board game. 1. Multiplayer feature: You can play Online with people from different countries. 2. In play with friends mode you can Play Online With Your friends. 3. In offline mode you can Play offline carrom board game with local players. 4. Location Selection: You can Play and choose competent from different Location all over the world. 4. High Quality Graphics and easy navigation. Here it is Carrom free game for you. so what are you waiting for .just go and download it.

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