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Embark on a mystical journey in Castle Craft, where you merge resources and unlock the secrets of time. Start in a land cloaked in fog, using ancient keys to reveal hidden territories and trace your lost family's steps across eras. Features: • Dynamic Merging: Transform wood, stone, and crops into tools and majestic buildings. • Time Travel Exploration: Navigate through time with mystical keys, uncovering territories that hold clues to the past. • Kingdom Building: Evolve from a quaint village to a grand medieval town, constructing iconic castles and marketplaces. • Heroic Quests: Encounter historical characters and solve puzzles that span time to rescue your family. • Family-friendly Adventure: Perfect for all ages, combining the thrill of time travel with strategic building. Join Castle Craft, where each decision shapes your legacy in a realm where the past and future merge!

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Clever Apps Pte Ltd

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Clever Apps Pte. Ltd.

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