

The Trucking Simulation is just a single click away. Cargo Transport Truck Simulator 2016 is a driving simulation game in off-road and city environment and gives the driver a chance to drive heavy transporter grand truck for transporting timber, log, cars, home shifting, oil drums and other stuff. Play as a Cargo trucker and drive grand truck on asphalt city tracks and off-road tracks. In this Cargo transport Truck Simulator you are a truck driver and you have to perform your duty as assigned by the clients. Enjoy the transportation duty in Cargo Transport truck Simulator 2016. Game Play of Cargo Transport Truck 2016: The game play of Cargo Transport Truck Simulator 2016 will carry you to the next level of entertainment and realistic driving experience. There are much more addictive and challenging missions in the game in which you will be asked to deliver the cargo in given time in city and dangerous offroad roads in jungles. Also there are free roam mode in city with your trailer truck. Deliver oil tanks to the petrol station located in city and hill stations. Drive the truck on the offroad to transport log and timber from jungle to city and lots of other missions in which you will deliver the cargo and home shifting services. Drive the transport truck carefully and make sure not to drop a single item from the cargo. Client satisfaction will give you extra points and more jobs to perform. Being a trucker, enjoy the best Trucking Experience in the city and offroad tracks. Key Features of this Trucking Simulation - Smooth and Realistic handling and controls - Console quality HD graphics -Realistic Off-road truck driving simulation - Multiple graphics quality to select from setting menu. -Multiple models of trailers attached to the grand vehicle - Grand Truck Driving in Big City and offroad tracks NOTE: Play the game for FREE and also WITHOUT INTERNET! Like Us on Facebook: Visit us on web as:

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