

No one likes to lose - it's more pleasant to be a winner. Dreyer Crowley has a tough time growing up: he loses his parents and ends up in an orphanage. As Dreyer grows older, he decides to put an end to an endless streak of bad luck and restore his family's reputation. But there's one problem: Dreyer's out of luck. Desperate, he decides to make a deal with Fortuna: infinite luck in exchange for loving hearts. Beatrice and Franz are Dreyer's next targets. Solve tricky puzzles, outwit the villain's henchmen, and save the lovebirds. Now the game is on! Play as two characters to get the full picture of what's going on. Make your own choices - embrace their consequences. Solve more than 25 intriguing puzzles! Follow the phantom's steps and solve the terrifying mystery of the worldwide famous play in the Bonus Chapter!

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Do Games Limited

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© 2022 Do Games Limited, Ltd

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Do Games Limited

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English (United States)

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