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Dear Wanderer, welcome to the Cradle of Empires puzzle match 3 game from the Awem Games Cradle series! Travel back to the alternative bejeweled Egypt universe and help wise and brave Nimiru build a city in puzzle adventure games. Solve match 3 jewel puzzles and rid the town of Menes curse, the evil priest of Amrun demon. Meet unique characters, and find hidden objects and artifacts in empires and puzzles. Find all the clues to success and become a real match master! 🧩 MATCH-3 AND CITY BUILDING GAMEPLAY MIX 🏛️ - Rebuild a glorious ancient civilization by constructing iconic structures and solving engaging challenges in city building games - 4500+ levels and 6 different modes to play. A real brain teaser in puzzle solving games! - Make a match color of 5 in the shape of an angle to get the Fiery Ring bomb💥 - Make a vertical match 5 chips to get the Horizontal Lightning Bomb ⚡ - Combine a horizontal color matching of 5 chips and receive a Vertical Lightning Bomb in match 3 story games⚡ - Make a candy crush match 6 with the Superlightning Bomb 💥 to break vertical and horizontal rows of chips match 3 games - To get the Starry Ball Bomb, make a bejeweled blitz of 7 chips in jewel games Meet a variety of well-known puzzles match 3 mechanics in casual games. Each relaxing jewel puzzle quest offers unique challenges that keep you engaged and relaxed. Swap, merge, match items, crystals, diamonds, jewels of Egypt genies and gems for real sugar crush. A real jewel match mania! Become a merge master in fun 3 in a row games. Rebuild an ancient city of match 3 adventure games! 📖 FOLLOW MYSTERIOUS STORYLINE Restore the devastated Egyptian civilization with a powerful curse through a jewel quest. Battle against the demon Amrun, and the High Priest Menes under his evil influence. Unite scattered tribes, and renovate 7 wonders of ancient home scapes in renovation games. Rule the home renovation and house building. Rebuild the economy of merge mansion, and attract skilled artisans in building games. Help Nimiru, your guide and ally, to resolve manor matters. Reveal the mystery of her mother's disappearance in jewelry games. 🎁 TAKE PART IN REWARDING EVENTS🌟 Join exciting events like Treasures of the Ancients, Fairy Tale: The Three Wishes, Jeweler’s Dream, Dance of Fireflies, Genie's Chest, Portal of Worlds, and Holiday Recipes in match three games. Compete with other players in exciting Meows & Paws event. A real diamond rush! Receive prizes and boost your progress in match three games! 🏺CREATE COLLECTIONS🔍 Complete collections of hidden objects, artifacts, and gems to advance in Cradle of Empires hidden objects games. Find items and jewels in match-3 levels and use charges to finish collections in relaxing puzzle games. Receive amazing rewards and boost your progress in an exciting story of hidden object games! 🤝 JOIN GUILDS AND MAKE FRIENDS Team up with other players in guilds or create your own with friends in matching games. Participate in exclusive events together to earn rewards in matchington mansion match 3 games. ✉️Contact our Tech Support by sending an email to Join our community, show your puzzle skills, and earn exclusive rewards in egypt games: 🌐 Official Website: 🌐 Facebook: 🌐 Instagram: 🌐 Check our Web Support Portal: 🔒Privacy Policy: 📜Terms of Service: In Cradle of Empires, the fate of an ancient world is in your hands. Solve puzzles, rebuild the city, and uncover mystery mansion secrets in matching story. Will you let evil win, or will your kindness restore the empire to its glory in match 3 games? Join the puzzle quest for a great adventure and see the rise of empires in relaxing matching puzzle games!

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In this update: The Fisherman's Hut can now be upgraded to level 9. Decorative art for your Empire! Look for the new “Stained Glass” item in the levels. Collecting stars in resource buildings just got easier! Improve your buildings more often!


  • UNIQUE BLEND OF MATCH-3 AND CITY BUILDING: Rebuild a majestic ancient Egyptian city through solving puzzles
  • 4500+ LEVELS AND 6 MODES TO PLAY: With more than 4500 levels and 6 distinct game modes, you’ll never run out of challenges
  • REWARDING IN-GAME EVENTS: Face unique challenges and earn exclusive rewards. There’s always something new happening in game!
  • ANCIENT EGYPTIAN STORYLINE: Embark on a mystical journey through ancient Egypt, uncover secrets, defeat powerful foes, and restore a fallen empire.
  • PLAY WITH FRIENDS & JOIN GUILDS: Join forces with other players in guilds, participate in events, and compete for shared rewards.
  • CHALLENGING PUZZLE MECHANICS: Master advanced match-3 mechanics, such as Fiery Ring Bombs and Starry Ball Bombs, to bring tactical depth to each puzzle
  • NO WIFI NEEDED: Play online or offline, and seamlessly restore your progress on any device. Your gaming adventure is as flexible as your lifestyle.

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