

This game will change the level of your joyness extreamly fast racing track game this game speed is too awesome and physics preety good the speed of truck is real crazy in this game I assure you will like this game because many crazy people like cariness of this game so Do you like car racing games? Then you will love to play crazy monster truck hill climb racing game. Drive your monster truck through amazing and dangerous tracks with hills, jumps and bridges. This game is full of extream level of joyness which helps to build up the concentration and patience as well. Crazy Monester Truck - Car Racing game most addictive and entertaining physics based driving game ever made! and it's free! Monester Truck Racing Game on hills, galactic, mars, planet and mountains having different gravity force and surface racing conditions.Hill Climber, the young aspiring uphill racer. He is about to embark on a journey that takes him to where no ride has ever been before. With little respect to the laws of physics, it will not rest until he has conquered the highest hills! Face the challenges of unique hill climbing environments with many different cars. Gain bonuses from daring tricks and collect coins to upgrade your car and reach even higher distances and his good old gasoline crematorium will easily run out of fuel. How to Play on PC: 1- For moving forward press the right arrow key 2- for moving backward press the left arrow key 4- Coins time and score show on upper left corner For Windows Tablets: 1- Use the Race Paddle for racing the truck 2- Use the Reverse Paddle for moving reverse

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi


  • Face the challenges of unique hill climbing environments with many different cars.
  • Cool graphics and smooth physics simulation
  • Designed to look good on low resolution and high resolution devices (incl. tablets)
  • Real turbo sound when you upgrade your engine!
  • Collect coins to upgrade your car.
  • Collect coins to upgrade your Track and Scene.

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

ZITI Games

Mualliflik huquqi

ZITI Technology Limited

Ishlab chiqardi:

ZITI Games

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Internet ulanishiga kirish


Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Maxsus imkoniyat

Mahsulot ishlab chiqaruvchisi mahsulotdan foydalanishni hamma uchun osonlashtirganiga va u maxsus imkoniyat shartlariga mos kelishiga ishonchi komil.

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

English (United States)

Noshir haqida ma’lumot

Crazy Monster Truck yordami

Qo‘shimcha shartlar

Tranzaksiya shartlari

Bu mahsulot haqida xabar berish

Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
Xabar berish bu mahsulot noqonuniy kontent uchun

Masʼuliyatdan voz kechish

Bu sotuvchi faqat amaldagi barcha qonunlarga mos keladigan mahsulot yoki xizmatlarni taklif qilishini tasdiqladi