Foydalanish mumkin:
In Cricket FRVR, you're star batter of your team, and your goal is to stay on guard as players try to hit your team's wicket with the ball. Try to score a run by hitting the ball and then run to the other end of the field before the field team can return the ball. If you hit the ball to the edge of the field, your team will be awarded four runs, and it's called Four. The shot with the highest score is a Six, so try hitting the ball over the edge without touching the ground to score! Hit the ball. Control the field. Become a Cricket legend!
Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot
Ishlab chiqaruvchi
FRVRIshlab chiqardi:
FRVRChiqarilgan sana
09/09/2022Taxminiy hajmi
6,77 MbYosh reytingi
3 yosh va undan kattalar uchunToifa
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