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"Warning! This Game Is So addictive :). I play it everyday . idont have time to my gf, But i want to play this game. Join now." - ***** - TerenceD "I love play this game.. I really great strategic and planning game.i love playing this whenever I want great graphics as well." - ***** - Modesty "Better than Clash of Clans and Game of War" — ***** - Max B Are you so gangster you can take on hoodlums from all nations? Then prove it homie. Pack some heat and hit the streets, it’s time to blitz war on Crime Coast! In a lawless city where the cops run scared it's the criminal kingpins who make the rules. Chaos and conflict rule supreme; and the only thugs who survive entering at breakfast, looting at lunch, and taking mayhem with a side of robbery for dinner! From Gundon to Crooklyn, gang rage between the most ruthless crews has erupted and all hell has broken loose! Criminals of all nations have been flocking to the coast, forming cartels, breaking bad and transforming every city into their very own gangster’s paradise! From collecting protection cash to sending your crew to raid a rival gang, play your hand right, forge the best alliances and one day you could be the ‘Crime King’. Use your Henchman’s skills and build a team of heavies who are ready to die for you… and who probably will. Being bad has never felt so good. ✔ With Mafia Wars you can Watch live battles just like in a TV station! ✔ In real life you might be more broke than every chair in the Kardashian house, but that doesn’t matter because our game is totally free! ✔ Create your own real-life gangster’s paradise of ruthless killers, crooked cops, and non-stop criminal clan carnage. Being bad never felt so good! ✔ Commit daring heists on banks for their gold, run a breaking bad style underworld drugs cartel, and order assassinations using your very own professional mob hit squads. ✔ Take the boring junk out of regular crime city building games, replace it with enough mayhem to make GTA look PG, and you'll still be only halfway towards Crime Coast. ✔ Build an underworld of lawless gangster locations like junkyards, mansions, sniper towers, and beautiful rose bushes which definitely aren't hiding missile silos. Promise! ✔ Put together a gang of killer henchmen... and hench ladies of course. There’s not a homie alive who could take on our beautiful Sally in a skirmish and not suffer complete annihilation. ✔ Take to the freeway to make your getaway with our unique vehicle system. What’s unique about it? It doesn't suck. Also they explode. What more do you want? ✔ Form an unbeatable cartel of mafioso mobsters with other players, and enjoy the unique feel of power that only comes from picking on goons who are weaker than you. Fun ain't it? ✔ Snitch on your homies ✔ Laugh at all the dumb quotes our characters come up with. Ever wondered what a big German bruiser has for breakfast. (clue, it’s children’s tears). Being bad has never felt so good. We would love to hear from you! Please send feedback to PLEASE NOTE! While Crime Coast is free to download and play, some game items can be purchased for real money. A network connection is also required. Privacy Policy Terms of Service

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Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

SHOWDOWN UPDATE The Rules Have Changed - Town layouts can't be modified - Limited number of gangsters defending buildings - Limited number of air patrol choppers - Killed defending units are no longer deducted - Mules can be found in Superior crew - Nurses no longer sent as reinforcements - Increased power of Ghost Rider - Removed obsolete objectives - Fixed bug with level 12 Mortar - Mortar upgrade time reduced - Tesla Tower upgrade time reduced - Requirements to forge some cards changed


  • FREE to play
  • Play with your friends
  • Gangster party mode which boosts your buildings capacity
  • Detailed city building featuring everything from junkyards to mansions
  • Choose from 1 of 8 unique bad-ass henchmen from various nations to make sure your gang succeeds
  • Competitive multiplayer mafia mode
  • Use your corrupt attorney. He’s great for breaking out cons to work for you
  • Raid rival mafia kings’ towns and cities to steal their loot and protect your own city at all costs
  • Rich and detailed sprite-based art style
  • Unique vehicle system. Ride along on a raid or deploy a car bomb for total destruction
  • Lighthearted comedy. Spot the jokes and movie references
  • Innovative social gameplay features. Watch your friends’ backs or, if you have to, become a snitch!

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Pixel Squad

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Copyright © Pixel Squad Ltd 2015-2019. All rights reserved.

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Pixel Squad Limited

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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