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Elephant Games returns with a brand-new title with a twist that’s sure to raise eyebrows with Crossroads: On a Just Path! WARNING: This horror game features moments of psychological terror that some may find distressing. It is not for the faint of heart. Lost? Confused? Unsure of what comes next? Then keep an eye open for Crossroads, the mysterious bar that only appears to those that need guidance. Step into the shoes of Alex Staton, a social worker that’s made some poor choices and is struggling to find direction. Step up to the bar and let Mistress Eve guide you through three separate tales, each designed to teach lessons that will hopefully set Alex on the right path by the end. But be careful because the choices you make in this game affect the story and characters around you! Luckily, you can always revisit past stories to see how things could have gone differently. It’s all a part of Mistress Eve’s plan! See for yourself in this eerie but inspiring Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure game!

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Big Fish Games

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Elephant Games

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