

There is no one in the world who could return from the Dark Side inviolate… Going there is the only chance to light the fading flame, though. “Darkness and Flame. The Dark Side” is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects, with plenty of mini-games and puzzles, unforgettable characters and complicated quests. Having blown up the dam and poured thousands of tons of water onto the army of the Darkness, Alice and her companions were absolutely sure that they had won a victory. But it was by no means the end. The Dark Warrior managed to survive and he sent after them a hurricane so powerful that the three were nearly killed!.. Alice recovers consciousness and finds herself behind the Great Fissure, on the Dark Side, where regular people have not been able to get for a few decades already. Now, when the girl has to find her uncle and Farador before the Darkness finds them first, the power of the burning flame, which the tender girl got in her childhood, is fading for unknown reasons… Will Alice manage to find her closed ones before the magic power leaves her forever?.. Travel together with young Alice about dark lands and deserted settlements, caves and oases of the Desert of Death. You are to get to the very heart of the deserted lands and cope with numerous challenges, avoid the traps and hide away from the Darkness. Are you ready for a difficult, but so thrilling journey to the other side? - Do not be afraid of dangerous journey to the Dark Lands! - Get acquainted with the lucky survivors on the deserted lands. - Solve lots of incredible puzzles - Get help from new friends - Gather amazing collections and find dozens of morphing-objects. - Enjoy stunning locations, magnificent graphics, exciting mini-games and puzzles.

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