Foydalanish mumkin:
Hello, fans of hidden object games! Take part in a new adventure of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes! We are about to dive into a new investigation with many surprises and unexpected turns on the way! Challenge your detective skills and search for hidden objects and clues. Each minor detail could be the key to a big discovery. Sherlock Holmes is waiting for your help! Why should you check it out: - Designed realistic scenes and your favourite characters! - There are many types of puzzles for everybody: search for hidden objects and pairs, find the different and similar items! - Objects are genuine antiques! - A new system of free photo hints! If you are looking for high-quality and truly free hidden object games, then “Detective Holmes Hidden Object “ is exactly what you need! Try out the life of a real detective and collect the missing evidence to catch the criminals. We would be happy to stay in touch with you at - leave comments, ask questions, and get news about our next games! Look for more free hidden object detective games from our studio. Good luck with your journey!
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