Foydalanish mumkin:
"Funny Dinosaurs" is an educational jigsaw puzzle game for kids 3, 4, 5 years old and even for toddlers from 1-2 year old. These bright kids puzzles bring your child into amazing dinosaur world. Your kid will assemble the cartoon dino puzzles, learn the names of dinosaurs, listen to the dinosaurs' sounds and play the balloon pop mini-game for relax! Our educational games are tailored to fit preschool-aged kids, both boys and girls and help toddlers to develop their memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands, and simply have fun. The main features of our puzzle games for girls and boys: • Easy to learn and control, even for small kids; • Simple & intuitive child-friendly interface; • Mini-game between puzzle solving - balloon pop; • Good at developing fine motor skills, spatial skills, memory and attention; • Interactive dinosaurs’ sounds, positive and pleasant feedback; • Large puzzle pieces, easy for children to pick and move; • Amazing learning games for girls and boys aged 1-3 and puzzles for kids under 5; The free game for kids contains 12 dino puzzles, the full game - 24 dino puzzles. If you like our educational games, we kindly ask you to write a review and visit our website at
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