

Enjoy one of the best free First Person Shooters that will challenge your skills and help you to become a master of the block survival world. If you are young and fragile, expecting a fairytale, this is not a game for you… We need heroes, warriors that master their skills through difficulties, always ready for the ultimate battle! **** TRUTH IS CHALLENGED**** Enter a corrupt world where an evil government is working with the so-called New Intelligence, who have made an illegal alliance. Play as the hero in an explosive solo campaign where officials are covering up the truth about the dangers of guns, and the freedom of thought and religion have been all but been banned. **** YOUR MISSION **** The world is immersed in war and the fight for victory has begun, but to conquer, you must navigate the dangers of the armed enemies, who carry high-grade military weaponry and shoot to kill without a thought. It is up to you to protect the innocent and destroy those who have brainwashed the foot soldiers to obey commands without question! **** INTENSE BATTLES **** Battle your way through the edge of survival in a challenging life and death struggle as you navigate enemy territory and face aggressive mobs. Uncover hidden weapons to add to your arsenal as you move through stunning retro-styled pixel-art levels! The dramatic intensity of this undertaking is an adventure like no other, as you struggle in the fight to save the population before they are annihilated by the snipers and assault rifles of the enemy. See and feel the action while you bring down this conspiracy from the inside. You are the last guardian, unaffected by the new world’s lies. It is up to you to be the hero your people need. Don’t trust no one, you don’t have friends here, don’t get fooled by anyone. **** AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE, FROM START TO FINISH **** Hear the roar of your gun as you see another enemy defeated, always moving towards your goal! With the world at stake, Diverse Block Survival Game is difficult to put down! Battle through stunning levels while choosing from among twelve weapons collected as you play! What are you waiting for? Save the world, one block at a time! FEATURES: A stunning art style, bringing life to a tragic tale only you can fix! Mind-blowing Levels 12 Devastating Weapons Uzi, Sniper Rifles, AKs and much more!

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Windows Release


  • A stunning art style, bringing life to a tragic tale only you can fix!
  • Mind-blowing Levels
  • 12 Devastating Weapons
  • Uzi, Sniper Rifles, AKs and much more!

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Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Aeria Canada Studio, Inc.

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257,9 Mb

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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English (United States)

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