

Enjoy this free timeless classic in Draw, Block and All-Five (Muggins) modes. Play against 1 to 3 computer opponents. Match pieces with the same number of dots. The game begins by shuffling the dominoes and dealing a hand to each player. With two players, each one starts with 7 dominoes, with more players, each one starts with 5 dominoes. The player with the lowest double in their hand makes the first move. Except for Block dominoes, if a player cannot make a move, they must draw dominoes from the boneyard until they get a domino that they can play. A player who cannot make a move and cannot draw because the boneyard is empty or they are playing Block dominoes, must pass their turn. In All-Fives dominoes, If a domino is played and the sum total of all four sides is a multiple of 5, the player earns those points. The round is complete when a player plays all of their tiles, or when a game is blocked and no more moves can be made. At the end of a round, the player with the lightest hand (least number of dots on their remaining dominoes) wins a point bonus - sum of all of their opponents dominoes minus any dominoes still left in the winner's hand. To move tap a domino you want to place. If there is only one place it can go, game will place it automatically. Otherwise tap or drag-and-drop it to the connecting domino. This free version is supported by 3rd party ads. Ads may use internet connectivity, and therefore subsequent data charges may apply. The photos/media/files permission is required to allow the game to save game data to external storage, and is sometimes used to cache ads. Don't forget to check our Game section for other fun games....

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  • Strategy hints
  • Classical gameplay

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GASP Mobile Games Inc

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2016 GASP

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GASP Mobile Games Inc

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