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Based on the Original DUET GAME for iPhone & iPad! *** WARNING: Insanely Addictive! *** One of the best AppStore Games of 2013 on iPhone & iPad, now on Windows Phone! Enter an amazing world that will change your perception of things, a world that will test your patience, a world that will change the way you think! Keep Calm, Survive and DUET! * Full version includes 9 Chapters and two modes (over 100 Levels) * Trial version includes the first (10 Levels) in both modes. What are you waiting for? tap Try and play first 20 levels for free! or buy now and get all the levels! If you like the game, please don’t forget to rate. What people say about the Original DUET Game? "Duet looks hard as nails. And I love it." -- Touch Arcade "Few other games are as fun when you succeed." -- Joshua Rothman, The New Yorker "Duet is a masterpiece of simplicity, feeling and flow." -- Ben Kuchera, Polygon "It looks positively mind bending, and also, a really good time." -- David Flodine, App Spy "It is fantastic." -- Tim Rogers

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi


  • 100 Levels
  • Touch, Mouse and Keyboard Controllers Enabled.

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi


Mualliflik huquqi

Copyright 2014 TMSALSOFT

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

English (United States)

Noshir haqida ma’lumot

DUET yordami

Qo‘shimcha shartlar

Tranzaksiya shartlari

Bu mahsulot haqida xabar berish

Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
Xabar berish bu mahsulot noqonuniy kontent uchun

Masʼuliyatdan voz kechish

Bu sotuvchi faqat amaldagi barcha qonunlarga mos keladigan mahsulot yoki xizmatlarni taklif qilishini tasdiqladi