

Durak – which translates as 'fool', So don’t let that be you! Durak is essentially a shedding card game where each player will try to get rid of the cards in their hand first. Durak is quite an enjoyable game that has over the years made a general impact on millions. It is a game that requires critical thinking, which is why it is more popular among people who consider themselves tech-savvy. The objective of Durak is to play all your cards. The loser in Durak will be the last player with cards in their hand. So, to ensure you do not lose, try to act fast and get rid of your cards as soon as you can. Durak is the most popular Russian card game. Durak means fool and it refers to the person who loses the game. A Durak card game is one of the easiest and most fun card games. Players do not need much to get started. You will only need: a poker deck reduced to 36 cards from Ace to 6. Durak is played by 2 to 4 players. Total cards used are 36 cards - Only 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A of all suits are used. The deck is shuffled, and each player is dealt with 6 cards. The bottom card of the stock is turned and placed face up on the table. The rest of the pack is then placed on half over the turnup and at right angles to it, so that it remains visible. The trump suit is drawn as the last card. The first person to play is the one who holds the lowest trump suit in his hand. The game proceeds in a clockwise direction. The player who started to play acts as an attacker and the player sitting next to him in a clockwise direction acts as a defender. The player who has the lowest trump card will be the first attacker. If the attack succeeds, the defender loses their turn, and the attack passes to the player on the defender's left. If the attack fails, the defender becomes the next attacker. The attacker opens their turn by playing a card face up on the table as an attacking card. Defender responds to the attack with a defending card. A trump card of any rank beats all cards in the other three suits To win Durak, you need to play all your cards quickly. Once you have played your cards, you are out of the game and will need to wait for the rest of the players. The last player with cards in their hand loses. However, this game is quite interesting because there will usually be multiple winners. To ensure you do not lose, try to act fast and get rid of your cards as soon as you can. Durak might not be a game you are overly familiar with. But in Russia, Durak is by far the most popular card game! It has got a fascinating history and will be sure to make a unique choice if you are looking for something a little different. Another interesting thing about this game is that it is played with a smaller deck. Durak is fun and, rather, a unique card game. If you enjoy more strategic card games and are looking for something a little different, why not give Durak a try? Download Durak today for endless hours of fun. ◆◆◆◆ Durak Features◆◆◆◆ ✔ Create Private Room and Invite Friends and Family ✔ 2, 3 or 4 Player Mode ✔ True multiplayer where you can play with real people online in online player mode. ✔ Players can now follow online players and invite them to play matches in a private table. ✔ Adaptable intelligence with smart AI when playing against computer ✔ Play with players across the world ✔ Play with Local Multiplayer ✔ Ton of Achievements. ✔ Get free coins by Spin Wheel and Daily Reward. ✔ Lucky draw to earn more coins. Download the Durak Card game for your phone and tablets today and have endless hours of fun. Please do not forget to Rate and Review Durak Card game! Your Reviews Matter!

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  • ✔ Create Private Room and Invite Friends and Family
  • ✔ 2, 3 or 4 Player Mode
  • ✔ True multiplayer where you can play with real people online in online player mode.
  • ✔ Players can now follow online players and invite them to play matches in a private table.
  • ✔ Adaptable intelligence with smart AI when playing against computer
  • ✔ Play with players across the world
  • ✔ Play with Local Multiplayer
  • ✔ Ton of Achievements.
  • ✔ Get free coins by Spin Wheel and Daily Reward.
  • ✔ Lucky draw to earn more coins.

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